Sharpen Your Skills With These Master Classes Focused On Leveling Up Your Knowledge & Delivery!
Social-Emotional Learning
is Not Enough
Education is getting hit hard, students need more, and teachers are so burnt out that they don't know how to give more!
Social-emotional learning is great, but development is key!
Learn what Social & Emotional Development (SED) looks like and how to implement it in your school or classroom.
Watch the Master Class

Rebuilding Culture:
The Missing Piece
Are you concerned about the physical, mental, and emotional state of your colleagues, students, families, and yourself as we return to normalcy at school?
You will learn . . .
- The importance of rebuilding a culture so cognition can thrive
- A structure to ensure a sense of safety, support, and belonging within the school community
- A frame that productively guides restorative conversations
You’ll also receive nine lesson plans that contain the essential questions and implementation techniques to rebuild a positive and empowering school community.
Watch the Master Class3 Skills
That Only Extraordinary Trainers Know... and Do!
You probably consider yourself a good trainer, speaker, educator, or presenter, conducting good meetings and workshops.
And good just isn’t good enough these days. Your participants are expecting GREAT!
Your audience craves connection, meaning, challenge, and success. Your students want to know they can put to use what they learn and do so successfully Your clients deserve you at your best, consistently orchestrating the essential factors needed to cause a shift in the way they think, speak, and produce.
In this Master Class you'll learn 3 of the top 10 skills that extraordinary trainers have mastered:
Presence. Curiosity. Acuity.
Join us as we unpack what extraordinary trainers know and do.
Watch the Master Class

The Teaching Cycle
The Intentional Design & Facilitation of Meaningful, Challenging Learning.
A strategy gets us the results. A system gets the transformation. Quantum Learning is a system.
Learn how to be intentional with your facilitation to artfully orchestrate meaningful learning.
Watch the Master Class